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The Schrader Lane Church of Christ is committed to Christianity. We are organized under the oversight of elders and served by ministers and deacons as patterned in the New Testament. Members of the congregation work in a variety of ways as leaders and participants in the efforts of the congregation.


Our pattern of worship follows New Testament precedent, including singing, offering prayers, proclaiming God’s word, giving and observing the Lord’s Supper each Sunday.


In keeping with the practices of the first century church, persons become members as a result of being taught the good news of Christ, belief, repentance, confession and baptism for the forgiveness of sin.


We recognize that Christians need ongoing instruction and support – edification, in order to grow. Therefore we engage in bible study, mentoring, and other means of encouraging faithfulness. True to our mission, we evangelize – lead others to Christ at every opportunity. We know that we are blessed by God in many ways, therefore, we readily exercise our ability to be benevolent to others. 



© 2020 Schrader Lane Church of Christ, Nashville, TN

Schrader Lane Church of Christ

1234 Schrader Lane

Nashville, TN 37208



Tel: (615) 329-0950

Fax: (615) 329-0368

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                                Problems streaming any worship services, send a text to the IT ministry @

                           (615) 596-2592   For other questions or concerns call (615) 329-0950


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