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Robert Gardenhire


Why We Must Study God’s Word 


     How can we become close to Christ, receive His approval and evoke His power in our lives? Among the seven churches of Asia, the Philadelphia Christians were close to Christ, approved by Him and were beneficiaries of his power because of their unyielding adherence to His word. We must study and obey His word to experience the same blessings of closeness, approval and strength as the Philadelphia Christians. 


     The Philadelphia Christians were held closely by Christ because they held closely to His word. Knowing of their commitment to His word, Christ encouraged them saying, “Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown” (Revelation 3:11). Their close connection to Christ was a direct byproduct of their inseparable association with His word. Like the Bereans who were “of more noble character” because they searched the scriptures daily, (Acts 17:11 NIV), the Philadelphians were distinguished because they were persistent pupils of the Word and focused followers of Christ’s teachings. We become close to Christ by diligently studying and carefully following His Word.


     The Philadelphia Christians received Christ’s approval of their work because they were faithful to His word. “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world” (Revelation 3:10). Christ’s assurance of approval for them was because of their consistent compliance to Him. Like Christ, the Apostle Paul noted obedience to the Word as a means of gaining Godly approval. He urged young Timothy to maintain God’s approval by “rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15). Like the Philadelphia Christians and Timothy, we gain and maintain Heaven’s approval through careful study and faithful obedience to God’s Word. 


     Although the Christians at Philadelphia had “little strength,” their attention to the Word evoked Christ’s unlimited power to “open a door” on their behalf which their opponents could not shut (Revelation 3:8). Our obedience to God’s Word will strengthen us against all the wiles of the devil. 


     May we earnestly study God’s Word to be kept close to Christ, to gain His approval and to have His strength in our lives. May God bless the Schrader Lane Church of Christ.


© 2020 Schrader Lane Church of Christ, Nashville, TN

Schrader Lane Church of Christ

1234 Schrader Lane

Nashville, TN 37208



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